A value system designed for sustainability


Get anywhere with collaborative transportation. save money while making new friends

Smart transportation is about maximising already-existing infrastructure and resource rather than adding new ones. Better use of existing resources creates affordable transportation without the need for more roads or vehicles. Real-time ridesharing is the key, enabling people with private cars to share their journey with others traveling in the same direction.


To change the way we move we must increase occupancy within the existing infrastructure. Ironically, our current road space and transport expenses are mostly used to move empty seats from one place to another. It is a well-hidden fact that thousands of empty car seats haven’t experienced any tush for years.



A genuine zooz mining protocol brings about a stable internal economy based on fair share of wealth and a just spread of community responsibility. We believe this initiative can generate a sustainable and wealthy ecosystem.



Introducing a new model for collaboration in which anyone can freely contribute. The community collectively decides about the reward in zooz for each contribution via sophisticated protocols. The ‘weight’ of each member’s input is dynamically set by the community itself. Many people around the world have already taken an active part in this operation, and the community is growing every day.​

About US


A Decentralized Transportation Platform owned by the community and utilising vehicles` unused space to create a variety of smart transportation solutions. By using cryptocurrency technology La`Zooz works with a “Fair Share” rewarding mechanism for developers, users and backers.

  • RideSharing vision

    La`Zooz platform will synchronize empty seats with transportation needs in real-time, matching like-minded people to create a great ride-sharing experience for a “Fair fare”.

  • The Road

    is being paved by people like you and me. Taking part makes La`Zooz come alive.


La`Zooz is a decentralized organization and many people have contributed to its formation. The main contributors at this time:
Transforming Vision into concept More than a year in La`Zooz
Transforming ideas into code More than a year in La`Zooz
Transforming Ideas into tasks More than a year in La`Zooz


Download Zooz-mining app


La’Zooz is a decentralized organization

Anyone can contribute towards the establishment of its goals in whatever way he or she believes would be best. Tasks are carried out within autonomous, self-defined circles or teams. Each circle can consist of any number of individuals (including a single person) collaborating together towards well-defined goals, and holding their own (perhaps multisig) wallet to promote the circle’s tasks. Once a circle delivers their contribution, the La’Zooz community as a whole evaluates this contribution and as an expression of appreciation reimburses the circle’s wallet with zooz tokens accordingly. 

Our basic beliefs are reflected in the La’Zooz initiative. Using a decentralized digital coin enables us all to enjoy and share our own wealth (and empty seats). All efforts are directed to make this a community project so that all can become part and enjoy the value that is created. We share a deep hope that La’Zooz will become a people’s project creating prosperity for all.

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